Silversmith Commons
Brownfield Redevelopment Consulting Project
WHEM has worked since 2012 for the redevelopers of a mixed residential/commercial property in the north end of Burlington. The 0.48-acre property originally consisted of three residential buildings constructed at the turn of century and a 2-bay garage constructed in the 1980s that was until recently operated as Bushey Auto, an auto maintenance garage. While the Phase II ESA did not reveal petroleum contamination from former petroleum storage or building hazards, the compound tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in the soil underneath the garage slab, assumed to have been released through floor drain discharges of degreasing solvents. Additional testing revealed the presence of PCE in the soil gas under the garage and half of the property at levels well in exceedance of VT DEC Shallow Soil Gas Standards. WHEM then developed a Corrective Action Plan that included limited soil excavation, design and implementation of a sub-slab depressurization system, and a deed restriction as part of the redevelopment of the property into two apartment buildings. The CAP was implemented in conjunction with construction activities at the site in 2014; WHEM led the installation of SSD systems in two newly-constructed buildings and oversaw the excavation and disposal of 120 cy of PCE-contaminated soils. A Certificate of Completion was administered by the VT DEC to the developers in January 2016. WHEM continues to provide post-corrective action SSD system performance monitoring for the building owners.

Justin Dextradeur
Redstone Commercial
(802) 734-9217